Monday, November 10, 2014

When Help Is Needed

I am pooped. I have been cleaning all day in anticipation of guests tomorrow.

I may have won something in a contest. All I was told was to be ready for a delivery tomorrow. I will certainly let you know what it is in a blog post.

I'm very, very excited because I never win anything.

Because I have been hurting so bad lately I asked my neighbors if they would help me by doing the dishes and taking out the garbage. These are the things that cause the most pain. I paid them in advance because they had some errands to run first. Well, at 7:20 tonight they knocked on my door and asked if they can come over tomorrow morning and help me. I said yes, what choice did I have?

I am so nervous about them coming in the morning that I have set my alarm for very early and will start on these things when I get up. Surely they will come in the morning, though.

Everything else is dusted and vacuumed and mopped and made to smell fresh and clean. It feels better in here, makes me feel better. But there are times that I just can't do anything. It is then that I have to ask for help.

It took a long time for me to think that it was okay to ask for help. I didn't want to bother people. But then I made a few friends that were happy to help me. For free. And there are some people who will do it but you have to pay them. My dear friend who would help is very sick right now with a cold and bronchitis. Otherwise she would have been here for me days ago.

I am thinking that asking for help for any reason is hard for some people. I am very up front and quick to ask for help from my doctors when my mental health is concerning me. But my physical needs are another matter. I often kid myself that I will surely feel better tomorrow, so I 'll put off doing the task.

So, if you think you need help, mentally or physically, ask for it. Don't do like I do and wait until the last moment. There are people who will help. You just have to find them.


  1. Asking people for favors is how you build trust and make friends but be sure to repay it when time come. Good luck with your cleaning, I wish I was there to help.

    1. Thank you Ahmed. You are so sweet. Oh, yes, I am always doing for others. Not everyone has a car where I live so I take people places and I don't charge them an arm and a leg like some people do.It makes me very happy to do for others when I can. Thanks for your lovely comment!
